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Misc Admin Tasks
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This is an old revision of the document!

Installing New ARM Machines

This procedure should be followed when installing ARM type machines with cobbler. The reason for doing so is since cobbler doesn't support installing using uefi, we will need to create a menuentry in grub.conf with the required settings

Step 1: Add those setting to the relevant group_vars machines file (for example ceph-sepia-secrets/ansible/inventory/group_vars/confusa.yml)

 dhcp_filename: "/aarch64/grubaa64.efi"

And run the dhcp ansible role

Step 2: Update grub.conf and create the menuentry

Add Menuentry to /var/lib/tftpboot/aarch64/grub.conf with the relevant OS type/version settings that you want to install your machines with

For example:

      set timeout=20
      menuentry 'CentOS9-arm' {
      linux images/CentOS-Stream-9-aarch64/vmlinuz ip=dhcp inst.repo= ro inst.ks=
      initrd images/CentOS-Stream-9-aarch64/initrd.img }

* Sometimes we will need to first install one machine without a kickstart file and then create a new kickstart to fit the installation we want to do for the rest of the machines

* We can add our new kickstart file to /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts and the set one of the cobbler profile to use it so that we will be able to use it in our installation as we see in the example above

Step 3: Downloading the boot files (Can be found in the installation image)

Add the vmlinuz & initrd.img(RHEL Distro's) / linux & initrd.gz(Debian Distro's) to /var/lib/tftpboot/aarch64/os-folder/

Step 4: Boot your machine to PXE boot And finish the installation

Boot to PXE boot, choose the relevant entry you created in Step 2 and finish the installation

tasks/installing_new_arm_machines.1739979041.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/19 15:30 by akraitman