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General Lab Info (Mainly for Devs)


Lab Infrastructure Services

Misc Admin Tasks
These are infrequently completed tasks that don't fit under any specific service

Production Services

RHEV = Sepia RHE instance
Baremetal = Host in Sepia lab

The Attic/Legacy Info


This is an old revision of the document!


This wiki contains notes on managing and using the “Sepia” lab of test machines used by the Ceph upstream developers.

The target audience for this documentation is administrators and people managing the Sepia machines. If all you need is information on using the lab, Start Here.


The Sepia lab is located in Red Hat's Community space in a datacenter co-location facility maintained by Peak10. The datacenter in which the Community space resides is commonly referred to as RDU2, RAL2 or The Community Cage.

Ping/Power support is provided by Red Hat's PnT DevOps Labs team. Tickets can be submitted to them at

Sepia is the name we gave to our pool of test machines. It happens to be both a color and a genus of cuttlefish. When we have different kinds of hardware in the sepia pool, we name them after individual species in the sepia genus (e.g., mira or smithi).

A useful reference for such things is or Sepia_(genus)

start.1472493141.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/29 17:52 by dgalloway