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General Lab Info (Mainly for Devs)


Lab Infrastructure Services

Misc Admin Tasks
These are infrequently completed tasks that don't fit under any specific service

Production Services

RHEV = Sepia RHE instance
Baremetal = Host in Sepia lab

The Attic/Legacy Info


This is an old revision of the document!


This is the rook Jenkins Jenkins instance used for building rook and running senity tests. hosted on AWS his slaves are created and terminated on every build. Access it using LDAP login credentials.


The Rook Jenkins is named “Prod-Jenkins” in the AWS console instances tab, The public IP can be seen there In order to ssh this instance you will need to go the the aws dashboard - Allow your public IP port 22 in the security group “rook-jenkins-group”, Inbound rules Then you will be able to ssh using the privet key (Located in the encrypted form in

If the Container stopped running you can start it sudo docker run -d –name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /mnt/jenkins/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:2.235.5

To watch the jenkins logs you can run this sudo docker logs -f –tail=100 jenkins


We monitor the Jenkins 8080 port in AWS and notification are sent to Adam Kraitman and we also monitor the http port in nagios were notifications are sent to Adam Kraitman And David Galloway

Access to AWS Console and Rook Jenkins

In order to remove or add a specific user so that he will have access to this AWS VPC, The Process is to contact Adam Kraitman or Travis Nielsen and ask to be added/removed

services/rook_jenkins.1612264562.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/02 11:16 by akraitman