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General Lab Info (Mainly for Devs)


Lab Infrastructure Services

Misc Admin Tasks
These are infrequently completed tasks that don't fit under any specific service

Production Services

RHEV = Sepia RHE instance
Baremetal = Host in Sepia lab

The Attic/Legacy Info


This is an old revision of the document!



A small subset of mira systems and all of the reesi and ivan systems are used in a permanent Ceph cluster.

It is managed using cephadm.

Here's a rundown of what this cluster stores

Cluster dashboard


    mon: 5 daemons, quorum reesi003,reesi002,reesi001,ivan02,ivan01 (age 5h)
    mgr: reesi005.xxyjcw(active, since 2w), standbys: reesi006.erytot, reesi004.tplfrt
    mds: 3/3 daemons up, 5 standby

Retired hosts

mira{019,021,049,070,087,099,116,120} had all daemons removed, OSDs, evacuated and reclaimed as testnodes in February 2020. apama were retired entirely as well.


This file (along with the admin keyring) can be saved on your workstation so you can use it as an admin node.

# minimal ceph.conf for 28f7427e-5558-4ffd-ae1a-51ec3042759a
        fsid = 28f7427e-5558-4ffd-ae1a-51ec3042759a
        mon_host = [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:]

Upgrading the Cluster

The LRC is a testbed we use to test a release candidate before announcing.

For example:

ceph orch upgrade start

watch "ceph -s; ceph orch upgrade status; ceph versions"

MONs run out of disk space

I sadly got too small of disks for the reesi when we purchased them so they occasionally run out of space in /var/log/ceph before logrotate gets a chance to run (even though it runs 4x a day. The process below will get you back up and running again but will wipe out all logs.

ansible  -m shell -a "sudo /bin/sh -c 'rm -vf /var/log/ceph/*/ceph*.gz'" reesi*
ansible  -m shell -a "sudo /bin/sh -c 'logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/ceph-*'" reesi*


Most of the stuff above is no longer valuable since Ceph has evolved over time. Here's some one-liners that were useful at the time I posted them.

Restart mon service

systemctl restart ceph-28f7427e-5558-4ffd-ae1a-51ec3042759a@mon.$(hostname -s).service

Watch logs for a mon

podman logs -f $(podman ps | grep "\-mon" | awk '{ print $1 }')

LRC iscsi volume for the RHEV cluster

On Nov 2022 we started seeing data corruption on our main gluster volume where we have all our critical VM's so we connected an iscsi volume from the LRC, those are the steps to connect an iscsi volume to a rev cluster according to this doc

First, make sure you configured the iscsi clients(the RHEV hypervisor hosts in our case) according to this doc and copy the iscsi initiator located under(we will need it for step 11 when we create the hosts on the lrc) /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi on each host also configure CHAP on each rhev host by adding this in /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf

node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP node.session.auth.username = <username> node.session.auth.password = <password>

ssh to one of the reesi hosts(I configured it from reesi005) and follow the next steps to configure iscsi and create a volume on the LRC

1. Create an rbd pool

ceph osd pool create <poolname>
ceph osd pool application enable <poolname> rbd

2. Deploy iscsi on at least four hosts - create a yaml file

service_type: iscsi
service_id: iscsi
    - reesi002
    - reesi003
    - reesi004
    - reesi005
  pool: lrc
  api_secure: false

3. Connect to the iscsi container on one of the deployed hosts, to find the exact container id run “podman ps” and look for the iscsi container with the word “tcmu” in the end.

Podman exec -it <iscsi container id> /bin/bash

for example:

podman exec -it ceph-28f7427e-5558-4ffd-ae1a-51ec3042759a-iscsi-iscsi-reesi005-luegfv-tcmu /bin/bash

4. Enter the gwcli


5. Go to the iscsi-targets

cd iscsi-targets/

6. Go to the storage iqn


7. Go to gateways

cd gateways

8. Create all four gateway's as you specified in the yaml file on step 2


9. Go to disks

cd ..
cd disks/

9. Create RBD image with the name “vol1” in the “lrc” pool

create pool=lrc image=vol1 size=20T image=rbdimage size=50g

10. Go to hosts

cd ..
cd hosts/

11. Create the hosts(RHEV hosts, if you have four rhev hosts you will need to run this four times one for each iqn )

create client_iqn=<iqn from the rhev host> 

12. cd to each iqn you created in step 11 and enable chap

auth username=<username> password=<password>

13. cd to each iqn you added in step 11 and add the RBD image created in step 9

disk add <pool_name>/<RBD image name>

14. Set discovery auth to CHAP on the iscsi-targets

cd ../../
discovery_auth username=<username> password=<password>

The final step is to mount this RBD_image/lun in RHEV-M Dashboard

go to Create a new Storage domain and choose the iscsi storage type and fill out the discovery targets section with an IP on one of the iscsi gateway ip's you configured in the yaml in step 2 and fill out the auth with the CHAP username & password you configured in step 14

services/longrunningcluster.1676819814.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/19 15:16 by akraitman