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General Lab Info (Mainly for Devs)


Lab Infrastructure Services

Misc Admin Tasks
These are infrequently completed tasks that don't fit under any specific service

Production Services

RHEV = Sepia RHE instance
Baremetal = Host in Sepia lab

The Attic/Legacy Info


This is an old revision of the document!



FOG is in use in the Sepia lab. It enables us to reimage baremetal testnodes before every job.

Our instance is currently hosted at

Username: fog
Password: Standard root password


Capturing OS images

This can be done manually by basically deciphering the bash monster in

  1. Choose which machine types and distros you want to capture images for
  2. Click Build
  3. Profit

If capturing any image fails, the job is configured to cancel the OS capture and will leave the testnodes locked so you can debug/investigate.

Adding a new distro

  1. Update the friendly distro names in the parameters dictionary in sepia-fog-images.yml
  2. Update the Cobbler and FOG image names at the top of the build script
  3. Create an Image in FOG for each machine type
    1. Click Create New Image
    2. Set Image Name to MACHINETYPE_DISTRO_DISTROVERSION. (e.g., mira_centos_7.5)
    3. Set Image Path to the image's name (e.g., /images/mira_centos_7.5)
    4. Set Operating System to Linux (I'd hope)
    5. Click Add
    6. Repeat for each machine type!
services/fog.1512572538.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/12/06 15:02 by djgalloway