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General Lab Info (Mainly for Devs)


Lab Infrastructure Services

Misc Admin Tasks
These are infrequently completed tasks that don't fit under any specific service

Production Services

RHEV = Sepia RHE instance
Baremetal = Host in Sepia lab

The Attic/Legacy Info


This is an old revision of the document!



We're currently testing FOG. These are just some quick how-tos and notes.

The deployment of a FOG server could be mostly automated via ansible. I wrote a playbook to take the ansible inventory and make it into a FOG-consumable CSV but it still has to be manually uploaded via the web UI.

Zack is currently working on a teuthology branch that'll allow us to run a proof-of-concept teuthology run where the testnodes got reimaged after every job.

Our instance is currently hosted at Login is fog:password.


Capturing an OS image

Each testnode machine type will need an image for each distro version. e.g., mira_ubuntu_16.04, smithi_ubuntu_14.04, etc.

To capture an image:

  1. Create the image in FOG
    1. Name should be in a $MACHINETYPE_$OS_$VERSION format
      1. e.g., mira_ubuntu_16.04, smithi_ubuntu_14.04, etc.
    2. Set Operating System to Linux
    3. The rest of the defaults are fine
  2. Reimage a testnode with the OS image you want to capture
    1. Do this using cobbler
  3. Once the testnode has been reimaged and you've confirmed ceph-cm-ansible ran successfully, update DHCP
    1. ssh
    2. sudo -i
    3. Edit /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.front.conf
    4. Find the entry for the testnode you just reimaged and add
      filename "/undionly.kpxe";
      # Example:
          host mira082 {
            hardware ethernet 00:25:90:09:e2:0a;
            filename "/undionly.kpxe";
  4. Restart dhcpd
    1. service dhcpd restart
  5. Back in FOG, open the host entry (Host Management → search for hostname)
  6. Set the Host Image to the image you want to capture
  7. Click UPDATE
  8. On the left sidebar, click Basic Tasks
  9. Click Capture
  10. Now power cycle the testnode

The testnode will reboot and PXE boot to the FOG server. It will automatically run its LiveOS that will capture the image and upload it to FOG.

Repeat this process for each distro and machine type you want to capture an image of. Be sure to comment the changes in the DHCP config each time so you can PXE boot and reimage via Cobbler.

services/fog.1503517838.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/23 19:50 by djgalloway