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tasks:nfs-ganesha [2023/09/06 20:38]
tasks:nfs-ganesha [2023/09/07 02:09] (current)
dmick [Jenkins Job]
Line 3: Line 3:
 NFS Ganesha CI is hosted on Openshift and it is located here: https://​ ​ NFS Ganesha CI is hosted on Openshift and it is located here: https://​ ​
-Shaman ​builds are located here: https://​​builds/​nfs-ganesha/​+It is also built on the sepia lab's Jenkins server, and builds are located here: https://​​builds/​nfs-ganesha/​
 Stable releases are located here: https://​​nfs-ganesha/​nfs-ganesha/​releases Stable releases are located here: https://​​nfs-ganesha/​nfs-ganesha/​releases
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 //Last updated 2023-09-06//​ //Last updated 2023-09-06//​
-This is the Jenkins job that continually ​builds nfs-ganesha ​Shaman builds: https://​​job/​nfs-ganesha/​+This is the Jenkins job that builds nfs-ganesha:​ https://​​job/​nfs-ganesha/​
 If Ceph centos Shaman builds are failing due to something with nfs-ganesha,​ you'll want to check the nfs-ganesha Jenkins job to see if something is amiss. If Ceph centos Shaman builds are failing due to something with nfs-ganesha,​ you'll want to check the nfs-ganesha Jenkins job to see if something is amiss.
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 As of 2023-09-06, this is the yaml bit in the ceph-build repo that defines which branch to build: https://​​ceph/​ceph-build/​blob/​71bf6746bb90692075e245ff08cc11da2a09e0e5/​nfs-ganesha/​config/​definitions/​nfs-ganesha.yml#​L36-L41 As of 2023-09-06, this is the yaml bit in the ceph-build repo that defines which branch to build: https://​​ceph/​ceph-build/​blob/​71bf6746bb90692075e245ff08cc11da2a09e0e5/​nfs-ganesha/​config/​definitions/​nfs-ganesha.yml#​L36-L41
 +    concurrent: true
 +    parameters:
 +      - string:
 +          name: NFS_GANESHA_BRANCH
 +          description:​ "The git branch (or tag) to build"
 +          default: "​V5.5"​
 +To manually schedule a build:
 +  - Visit https://​​job/​nfs-ganesha/​
 +  - Select "log in" in the upper right corner
 +  - Select "​Rebuild last" or "Build with Parameters"​ on the left panel, depending on which you need.
 +  - "​Rebuild last" rebuilds the last build using those parameters.
 +  - "Build with parameters"​ gives you the option to change which branch is built, among other fields.
tasks/nfs-ganesha.1694032687.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/09/06 20:38 by ljflores