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tasks:nfs-ganesha [2023/08/22 15:17]
tasks:nfs-ganesha [2023/09/07 02:09] (current)
dmick [Jenkins Job]
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 ===== nfs-ganesha builds and conventions ===== ===== nfs-ganesha builds and conventions =====
-NFS Ganesha CI is hosted on Openshift and the same can be accessed at https://​ ​+NFS Ganesha CI is hosted on Openshift and it is located here: https://​ ​
-Shaman ​builds are located here: https://​​builds/​nfs-ganesha/​+It is also built on the sepia lab's Jenkins server, and builds are located here: https://​​builds/​nfs-ganesha/​
 Stable releases are located here: https://​​nfs-ganesha/​nfs-ganesha/​releases Stable releases are located here: https://​​nfs-ganesha/​nfs-ganesha/​releases
 +==== Version Logic ====
 +//Last updated 2023-08-24//​
 +The current release is ganesha 5.5.
 +There may be some obscure corner cases, but every recent version (going back to ganesha 3) of ganesha should work with any version of Ceph. Version 5.5 should work with pacific, quincy, reef, and beyond.
 +If you want to use the packages that ganesha builds, you can get packages from:
 +  * The CentOS Storage SIG for el8 and el9 by first ''​dnf ​ install -y centos-release-nfs-ganesha5'',​ then ''​dnf install -y nfs-ganesha nfs-ganesha-ceph''​.
 +  * Ubuntu launchpad PPA at https://​​~nfs-ganesha. Instructions for adding the PPA can be found there.
 +  * Debian packages in an apt repo  at https://​​5,​ specifically at https://​​5/​5.5/​Debian/​. Note: there is no nfs-ganesha-ceph package. The README.txt there tells how to add the repo to your system.
 +(If someone is so inclined, they can use Ganesha 4  by installing centos-release-ganesha4 or the nfs-ganesha-4 ppa instead.)
 +Ganesha releases happen periodically. Packages usually get built pretty quickly. If you use CentOS, Launchpad, or the Debian repo you'll get the latest ​ build available.
 +==== Jenkins Job ====
 +//Last updated 2023-09-06//​
 +This is the Jenkins job that builds nfs-ganesha:​ https://​​job/​nfs-ganesha/​
 +If Ceph centos Shaman builds are failing due to something with nfs-ganesha,​ you'll want to check the nfs-ganesha Jenkins job to see if something is amiss.
 +Currently, the Jenkins job auto-builds nfs-ganesha V5.5, which is the latest stable build.
 +As of 2023-09-06, this is the yaml bit in the ceph-build repo that defines which branch to build: https://​​ceph/​ceph-build/​blob/​71bf6746bb90692075e245ff08cc11da2a09e0e5/​nfs-ganesha/​config/​definitions/​nfs-ganesha.yml#​L36-L41
 +    concurrent: true
 +    parameters:
 +      - string:
 +          name: NFS_GANESHA_BRANCH
 +          description:​ "The git branch (or tag) to build"
 +          default: "​V5.5"​
 +To manually schedule a build:
 +  - Visit https://​​job/​nfs-ganesha/​
 +  - Select "log in" in the upper right corner
 +  - Select "​Rebuild last" or "Build with Parameters"​ on the left panel, depending on which you need.
 +  - "​Rebuild last" rebuilds the last build using those parameters.
 +  - "Build with parameters"​ gives you the option to change which branch is built, among other fields.
tasks/nfs-ganesha.1692717431.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/08/22 15:17 by ljflores