Table of Contents

Adding New Machines

This procedure should be followed when new machines is being added to the Sepia lab.

Step 1: Ansible Inventory

  1. cd /path/to/ceph-sepia-secrets
  2. git checkout master && git pull
  3. git checkout -b wip-new-hosts (or similar branch name)
  4. Modify ansible/inventory/sepia
  5. Add vars file with required vars for the new machine group under ansible/inventory/group_vars/
  6. Commit, push, PR, etc.

Step 2: DNS

Run this role to add the new machines DNS “A records” to the sepia dns server according to the sepia inventory

ansible-playbook nameserver.yml --tags=“records”

Step 3: DHCP

Run this role to create dhcp leases for the new machines according to the sepia inventory

ansible-playbook dhcp-server.yml 

Step 4: Check ports vlan

Check if the switch ports(BMC/front) may need to be changed You can tell by sshing to and zgrep -i “ac:1f:6b:c6:5a:7” /var/log/messages* the DHCP server listens on all interfaces. and bond0 is on the front vlan. The requests should be coming in on br-ipmi for BMCs if not that tells us the switch BMC port is probably on the wrong vlan. If thats the case, we need a switch port config change and we do it according to this wiki -

*To submit the ticket for the IT to change the vlan we will write the port number according to the wiki, the port numbers should be documented in the racking ticket

Step 5: Set BMC Username/Password

The default Supermicro BMC username/password is ADMIN:ADMIN. Dell is root:calvin

You can use this playbook to change the login credentials:

  1. Set setup_user: true
  2. Set use_dhcp: true
  3. ansible-playbook tools/set-bmc-static.yml –limit $NEW_MACHINE_TYPE

Step 6: Set the machines to PXE boot

Setting them to boot to the bios for editing boot device and enabling PCI slots were the 10GbE nics are connected

  ipmitool -I lanplus -U inktank -P ApGNXcA7 -H chassis bootdev bios
  ipmitool -I lanplus -U inktank -P ApGNXcA7 -H chassis power cycle

Step 7: Add the machines to cobbler

  ansible-playbook cobbler.yml --tags systems

Step 8: E-mail the team to know OS's version that should be installed on the new machines

Send an e-mail to “” So we will know which OS's to install on the new machines

for example:

 Hey all,
 The new machines "machines" are almost ready. There are 6 of
 them. What operating system(s) would you all like installed on them?

Step 9: Find out the disk on which we like to install the OS

we will boot one of the machines to inktank-rescue cobbler profile

And By running lsblk we will find out if the drive we want to install the OS on is /dev/sda

Step 10: Image the machines

According to the requested os versions from step 8 image the machines

Step 11: Run the common role (**Only if machines are not testnodes***)

  ansible-playbook common.yml --limit="machines"