===== Adding New Machines ===== This procedure should be followed when new machines is being added to the Sepia lab. ==== Step 1: Ansible Inventory ==== - ''cd /path/to/ceph-sepia-secrets'' - ''git checkout master && git pull'' - ''git checkout -b wip-new-hosts'' (or similar branch name) - Modify ''ansible/inventory/sepia'' - Add vars file with required vars for the new machine group under ''ansible/inventory/group_vars/'' - Commit, push, PR, etc. ==== Step 2: DNS ==== Run this role to add the new machines DNS "A records" to the sepia dns server according to the sepia inventory ansible-playbook nameserver.yml --tags=“records” ==== Step 3: DHCP ==== Run this role to create dhcp leases for the new machines according to the sepia inventory ansible-playbook dhcp-server.yml ==== Step 4: Check ports vlan ==== Check if the switch ports(BMC/front) may need to be changed You can tell by sshing to store01.front.sepia.ceph.com and zgrep -i "ac:1f:6b:c6:5a:7" /var/log/messages* the DHCP server listens on all interfaces. and bond0 is on the front vlan. The requests should be coming in on br-ipmi for BMCs if not that tells us the switch BMC port is probably on the wrong vlan. If thats the case, we need a switch port config change and we do it according to this wiki - https://wiki.sepia.ceph.com/doku.php?id=services:networking *To submit the ticket for the IT to change the vlan we will write the port number according to the wiki, the port numbers should be documented in the racking ticket ==== Step 5: Set BMC Username/Password ==== The default Supermicro BMC username/password is **ADMIN:ADMIN**. Dell is **root:calvin** You can use this playbook to change the login credentials: https://github.com/ceph/ceph-cm-ansible/blob/master/tools/set-bmc-static.yml - Set ''setup_user: true'' - Set ''use_dhcp: true'' - ''ansible-playbook tools/set-bmc-static.yml --limit $NEW_MACHINE_TYPE'' ==== Step 6: Set the machines to PXE boot ==== Setting them to boot to the bios for editing boot device and enabling PCI slots were the 10GbE nics are connected ipmitool -I lanplus -U inktank -P ApGNXcA7 -H machine01.ipmi.sepia.ceph.com chassis bootdev bios ipmitool -I lanplus -U inktank -P ApGNXcA7 -H machine01.ipmi.sepia.ceph.com chassis power cycle ==== Step 7: Add the machines to cobbler ==== ansible-playbook cobbler.yml --tags systems ==== Step 8: E-mail the team to know OS's version that should be installed on the new machines ==== Send an e-mail to "sepia@ceph.com" So we will know which OS's to install on the new machines for example: Hey all, The new machines "machines" are almost ready. There are 6 of them. What operating system(s) would you all like installed on them? ==== Step 9: Find out the disk on which we like to install the OS ==== we will boot one of the machines to inktank-rescue cobbler profile And By running lsblk we will find out if the drive we want to install the OS on is /dev/sda ==== Step 10: Image the machines ==== According to the requested os versions from step 8 image the machines ==== Step 11: Run the common role (**Only if machines are not testnodes***) ==== ansible-playbook common.yml --limit="machines"