====== pulpito ====== ===== Summary ===== pulpito is a web interface/dashboard that displays teuthology job results. See https://github.com/ceph/pulpito The service runs on a baremetal host, [[hardware:infrastructure#pulpitofrontsepiacephcom|pulpito.front.sepia.ceph.com]] from ''/home/ubuntu''. It's also viewable publicly at pulpito.ceph.com via an nginx reverse proxy on gw.sepia.ceph.com. ===== Admin Tasks ===== ==== Starting/Restarting service ==== ''sudo supervisorctl start|stop|restart pulpito'' ==== Updating Pulpito ==== ssh ubuntu@pulpito.front.sepia.ceph.com cd /home/ubuntu/pulpito git pull sudo supervisorctl restart pulpito sudo systemctl restart nginx