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devplayground [2024/07/30 18:29]
dmick [Playing Nice]
devplayground [2024/08/02 21:32] (current)
dmick [Machines]
Line 8: Line 8:
 ^ Name                                             ^ Notes            ^ ^ Name                                             ^ Notes            ^
-| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ |+| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​(currently unavailable) ​|
 | [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ | | [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ |
 | [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ | | [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ |
devplayground.1722364199.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/07/30 18:29 by dmick