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devplayground [2024/06/03 19:49]
devplayground [2024/08/02 21:32] (current)
dmick [Machines]
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 ^ Name                                             ^ Notes            ^ ^ Name                                             ^ Notes            ^
-| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ |+| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​(currently unavailable) ​|
 | [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ | | [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ |
 | [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ | | [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ |
Line 19: Line 19:
 ==== Playing Nice ==== ==== Playing Nice ====
-Developer playgrounds should be able to build the ''​main''​ branch. It is okay to use ''​./​''​ top-level ​scrip from the ceph source tree to update dependencies. Do not run that script from an older release of Ceph as it may break other developer'​s work. If you need to build an older release, lock a throwaway node like [[hardware:​smithi]] and build there. Or, use a container to do the build/​testing!+Developer playgrounds should be able to build the ''​main''​ branch. It is okay to use ''​./​''​ top-level ​script ​from the ceph source tree to update dependencies. Do not run that script from an older release of Ceph as it may break other developer'​s work. If you need to build an older release, lock a throwaway node like [[hardware:​smithi]] and build there. Or, use a container to do the build/​testing!
 Using the developer machines to look at teuthology QA artifacts is encouraged. Try to avoid using a text editor to look at large (1GB+) debug logs as this can be RAM intensive/​disruptive. Instead, prefer ''​less''​ or use ''​tail -c xM | $EDITOR -''​ to look at portions of the log in a text editor. Using the developer machines to look at teuthology QA artifacts is encouraged. Try to avoid using a text editor to look at large (1GB+) debug logs as this can be RAM intensive/​disruptive. Instead, prefer ''​less''​ or use ''​tail -c xM | $EDITOR -''​ to look at portions of the log in a text editor.
Line 101: Line 101:
 ==== Teuthology scheduling ==== ==== Teuthology scheduling ====
 +Configure the dev playground node to schedule jobs:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 112: Line 114:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +Note: killing a run is (generally) still necessary on [[services:​teuthology|teuthology VM]]. This is because teuthology-kill requires killing the test processes running there.
 ==== Configuring LVM volumes using spare disks ==== ==== Configuring LVM volumes using spare disks ====
Line 144: Line 146:
 sudo chattr +i $HOME/build sudo chattr +i $HOME/build
 echo "/​dev/​DevPlayground/​$(whoami)-build $HOME/build xfs defaults 1 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab echo "/​dev/​DevPlayground/​$(whoami)-build $HOME/build xfs defaults 1 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
-sudo systemctl daemon reload+sudo systemctl daemon-reload
 sudo mount $HOME/build sudo mount $HOME/build
 </​code>​ </​code>​
devplayground.1717444148.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/06/03 19:49 by pdonnell