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devplayground [2023/10/06 18:18]
pdonnell [Developer Playgrounds]
devplayground [2024/08/02 21:32] (current)
dmick [Machines]
Line 4: Line 4:
 All machines have [[services:​cephfs]] mounts for accessing the teuthology, scratch, and postfile file systems. It is encouraged to use these machines to view teuthology logs as they will be significantly faster than the [[services:​teuthology|teuthology VM]], which is often memory/CPU starved. All machines have [[services:​cephfs]] mounts for accessing the teuthology, scratch, and postfile file systems. It is encouraged to use these machines to view teuthology logs as they will be significantly faster than the [[services:​teuthology|teuthology VM]], which is often memory/CPU starved.
 ===== Machines ==== ===== Machines ====
-^ Name ^ Notes ^ +^ Name                                             ​^ Notes            
-| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose | +| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​(currently unavailable) ​
-| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose | +| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ 
-| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose | +| [[hardware:​senta|]] ​ | General purpose ​ 
-| [[hardware:​vossi|]] ​ | General purpose | +| [[hardware:​vossi|]] ​ | General purpose ​ 
-| [[hardware:​vossi|]] ​ | CephFS Team     ​+| [[hardware:​vossi|]] ​ | CephFS Team      
-| [[hardware:​vossi|]] ​ | RADOS Team      +| [[hardware:​vossi|]] ​ | RADOS Team       ​
-| [[hardware:​folio|]] ​ | General purpose |+| [[hardware:​folio|]] ​ | General purpose ​ | 
 +| [[hardware:​folio|]] ​ | General purpose ​ | 
 +==== Playing Nice ==== 
 +Developer playgrounds should be able to build the ''​main''​ branch. It is okay to use ''​./​''​ top-level script from the ceph source tree to update dependencies. Do not run that script from an older release of Ceph as it may break other developer'​s work. If you need to build an older release, lock a throwaway node like [[hardware:​smithi]] and build there. Or, use a container to do the build/​testing! 
 +Using the developer machines to look at teuthology QA artifacts is encouraged. Try to avoid using a text editor to look at large (1GB+) debug logs as this can be RAM intensive/​disruptive. Instead, prefer ''​less''​ or use ''​tail -c xM | $EDITOR -''​ to look at portions of the log in a text editor. 
 +Many of the developer playground nodes have extra disks for testing Ceph. It's okay to use these for ''​vstart''​ clusters but it may be more flexible to build LVM volumes on top of these devices so others may use them too. 
 +==== MOTD ==== 
 +Please use this MOTD for these playground machines: 
 +                                Welcome! 
 +      This machine is a Ceph Developer Playground for shared use.  Please 
 +          see the following wiki document for guidelines and a list of 
 +                              available machines. 
 +             ​https://​​doku.php?​id=devplayground 
 +                           ​Create support tickets at: 
 +                     ​https://​​projects/​lab 
 +                                    Thanks! 
 +==== Configuring CephFS Mounts ==== 
 +The following script can be run to setup CephFS mounts on a new developer playground machines: 
 +function run { 
 +  printf '​%s\n'​ "​$*"​ >&​2 
 +  "​$@"​ 
 +function mssh { 
 +  run ssh "​$HOST"​ -- "​$*"​ 
 +mssh sudo mkdir -p -m 755 /etc/ceph 
 +ssh 'env CEPH_KEYRING=/​etc/​ceph/​client.sepian.keyring ceph --id sepian config generate-minimal-conf'​ | mssh sudo tee /​etc/​ceph/​ceph.conf 
 +mssh sudo chmod 644 /​etc/​ceph/​ceph.conf 
 +ssh 'cat /​etc/​ceph/​client.sepian.keyring'​ | mssh sudo tee /​etc/​ceph/​client.sepian.keyring 
 +mssh sudo chmod 644 /​etc/​ceph/​client.sepian.keyring 
 +ssh '​ceph-authtool /​etc/​ceph/​client.sepian.keyring -n client.sepian -p' | mssh sudo tee /​etc/​ceph/​client.sepian.secret 
 +mssh sudo chmod 600 /​etc/​ceph/​client.sepian.secret 
 +function genmount { 
 +  local secret=$(mssh sudo cat /​etc/​ceph/​client.sepian.secret) 
 +  # create mountpoint 
 +  mssh sudo mkdir -p -- "​$2"​ 
 +  # make the mountpoint directory (shadowed) unwriteable to prevent accidental modification 
 +  mssh sudo chmod 000 -- "​$2"​ 
 +  # set it immutable to enforce that even for root 
 +  mssh sudo chattr +i -- "​$2"​ 
 +  printf '​,​,​​%s\t%s\tceph\tname=sepian,​secret=%s,​mds_namespace=%s,​_netdev\t0\t2\n'​ "​$1"​ "​$2"​ "​$secret"​ "​$3"​ | mssh sudo tee -a /​etc/​fstab 
 +genmount /​teuthology-archive /teuthology teuthology 
 +genmount / /scratch scratch 
 +genmount / /postfile postfile 
 +mssh sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
 +mssh sudo mount /​teuthology 
 +mssh sudo mount /scratch 
 +mssh sudo mount /postfile 
 +mssh sudo ln -s /teuthology /a 
 +==== Teuthology scheduling ==== 
 +Configure the dev playground node to schedule jobs: 
 +sudo tee /​etc/​teuthology.yaml <<​EOF 
 +default_machine_type:​ smithi 
 +queue_port: 11300 
 +  - smithi 
 +Note: killing a run is (generally) still necessary on [[services:​teuthology|teuthology VM]]. This is because teuthology-kill requires killing the test processes running there. 
 +==== Configuring LVM volumes using spare disks ==== 
 +When setting up a fresh Developer Playground machine, configure an LVM VolumeGroup for use by users. Volumes can be provisioned for a build directory, OSD block device, or anything else needed. 
 +Note: no redundancy is configured below (i.e. RAID). If a disk is lost, all volumes will be affected. 
 +sudo pvcreate /​dev/​$DISK 
 +Do this for every disk. This is an ad-hoc process because all nodes are different. Also, some disks may have been used in the past so they will need wiped first: 
 +sudo wipefs -a /​dev/​$DISK 
 +Once all disks are added as physical volumes, it's then possible to add to a VolumeGroup:​ 
 +sudo vgcreate DevPlayground $DISKS 
 +Finally make a volume for yourself: 
 +sudo lvcreate -L 256G DevPlayground -n $(whoami)-build 
 +sudo mkfs.xfs /​dev/​DevPlayground/​$(whoami)-build 
 +mkdir $HOME/​build 
 +chmod 000 $HOME/​build 
 +sudo chattr +i $HOME/​build 
 +echo "/​dev/​DevPlayground/​$(whoami)-build $HOME/build xfs defaults 1 1" | sudo tee -a /​etc/​fstab 
 +sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
 +sudo mount $HOME/​build 
 +and some OSD block devices: 
 +for i in `seq 0 8`; do sudo lvcreate -L 16G DevPlayground -n $(whoami)-osd.$i ; done 
 +Make those OSDs owned by you: 
 +printf '​ENV{DM_VG_NAME}=="​DevPlayground"​ ENV{DM_LV_NAME}=="​%s-*"​ OWNER="​%s"​ GROUP="​users"​\n'​ $(whoami) $(whoami) | sudo tee -a /​etc/​udev/​rules.d/​99-lvmowner.rules 
 +sudo udevadm control --reload-rules 
 +sudo udevadm trigger 
 +Then you can use those devices with
 +wipefs -a /​dev/​DevPlayground/​$(whoami)-osd.*
 +shred -v -n 0 -z -s 16M /​dev/​DevPlayground/​$(whoami)-osd.*
 +env OSD=8 ~/​ceph/​src/​ \
 +    --bluestore-devs $(echo /​dev/​DevPlayground/​$(whoami)-osd.* | tr ' ' ','​)
 +Feel free to make any other volumes that you require.
devplayground.1696616297.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/06 18:18 by pdonnell